When it comes time to check-out of this crazy planet, be sure your heart is free from the entanglements of this world and is ready to meet your Maker without hostility toward any person . . . and with clean hands. Nothing is worth our losing the opportunity to receive the finer things. Don't go out of this world with the poison of unforgiveness in you inner being. Forgive.
So, today, take a deep breath and let it go. As you do, simply choose to expel all things that can bind or poison your spirit; anything that diminishes the radiance of your own soul. You can do this. You really can, but YOU must make the choice to let it go. So, loosen your grip on the offenses life has thrown at you and turn them loose. Send them away.
Yes, you will have to renew that decision many times, so just renew it each time. Over the course of time you will find that you have become free from those negative thoughts, and your emotions will eventually follow suit. I have discovered this to be true in my own life. Forgiveness comes first. It is a choice. Feelings come later. Many of one's feelings are the results of their choices. Choose to feel good. Let all that icky stuff go.
You might want to read and ponder the wise and comforting words of Psalm 23. There is a lot more there than what one might see at first glance. Reflect on each line, each word and each idea. You will be lifted up as you read it, study it, and embrace the ideas in this timeless proclamation.
There is someone who cares about you very deeply. Direct your thoughts his way today. You will be glad you did. Embrace forgiveness, and extend forgiveness to others too. Reach for goodness and light. With virtue you will not only live longer, you will live well. PEACE TO YOU TODAY & ALWAYS!
By the way, visit my China Blog at http://perceptions21.blogspot.com/ -