HEY - August is Awesome!
If you haven't already looked at the Freedom Fest website, go there after reading this. http://www.freedomfest.org/ It is full of cool stuff about this important event. There you will find a list of bands and talent of all kinds. You don't want to miss this.
From the 17th through 19th you will absolutely enjoy some of the best fun of your entire summer. Beyond the bands, the food and the fun, Freedom Fest is hosting their first ART-TENT, where lots of creative fun will be happening all weekend long. The program is rich in creative material for you and your friends, or for families and kids. There is something for everyone from 2 to 102.
Among the happenings at the ART-TENT will be a TAG-WALL; ART-DEMOS - "how to" draw and paint taught by a professional artist; READINGS from C. S. Lewis by Connie Rice - Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters; COMMUNITY-MURAL where you can paint with other friends during the course of the weekend; FACE-PAINTING for the kids; CONVERSATION-PIT where you can sit and chat with your friends about ARTSY subjects and other cool things; RIBBONS for best drawing and painting per related age-group will be awarded; OPEN-SESSIONS where you can just come in and do art till your heart's content; and TONS-MORE. You are gonna totally LOVE the new ART-TENT -- and what is the ART-TENT called? What else . . . THE ILLUMINATRIUM! What is an "Illuminatrium?" It's a place where resplendent light shines on the creative spirit.
Really - if you love music and art and fun in the sun, this event is for YOU!
Go online and get your tickets today. Don't delay!!! :-)
Connie and I will be there the entire weekend, so drop by the ART-TENT and say "Hi!"
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